The news hit this week that Blyk, a new MVNO, is up and running in the UK. Basically, an invite-only free service where 18-24 y.o's are rewarded with free minutes and text messaging for completing surveys on an ongoing basis over the phone. As the internet is currently changing the way business is done by fostering the growth of the ad-supported model (for the latest on how this continues to grow, read about the
NY Times move this week to shun subscription for their Times Select service and move to the more lucrative ad model.)
When we look at these emerging business models, you can't help to think about the endless possibilities mobile offers for a new model that utilizes the trade-off of free service in exchange for what a mobile user can offer that companies/advertisers will pay for. In fact, I think I should start a new MVNO whose business model changes every half-year to accommodate the new companies that will support my service for each six-month period. And (of course), here are a few ideas for models that might support a free, or at least very cheap, service.
- Traffic information- Users can text travel times and accident information during their commute.
- Photo indexing- Photos taken with cell phones can be used for companies documenting everything from residential and commercial property to what Google maps does with their street-level zoom.
- Health- Texting or emailing heart rate and other medical conditions for companies doing medical research.
OK- so some of this may not be viable enough to support an entire service but the point is that the nature of what mobile is can offer another level of creativity that marketers are just discovering. Maybe it is a little far-fetched to think these types of ideas could spur a new business model but they are certainly enough to get the creative juices flowing for the design of your next mobile campaign.