I saw a link for this story on Fierce Mobile- a blog post by a Mozilla insider discussing plans for Firefox Mobile. Very interesting to think that one day in the near future we could have some of the functionality that we currently enjoy on a PC browser with us on a mobile device . There is currently a lot of talk of how to improve the mobile web as far as optimizing the web for mobile and creating a user experience that is equal to what we get on a PC but the other half of that user experience can be the perks that a desktop browser carries. Those of you who use Firefox understand the additional tools that browser offers is a definite enhancement to the internet experience. Bookmarking that synchs with your PC and other useful add-ons, if done in a way to fit with Mobile, could be a step in the right direction for increased mobile web use.
Big fan of Firefox. I'm excited to see it coming to the mobile universe.
I just wonder if it can make the transition. The advantages of Firefox online were pretty obvious in the beginning - but will they be in the mobile world?
Yes I am a big fan as well of Firefox, I even wrote a blog on google chrome compared to firefox most Google users did not care for it, but who cares its my opinion but anyway I write online if you ever get a chance look up my articles online I write for triond.com
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